
Friday, November 7, 2014

John 9:1-21

40 Days of John

Day 15: John 9:1-21

Jesus heals a man who has been blind since birth.

What does this story tell us about our relationship with Jesus and with each other?

This story reminds me that God, our Creator, makes us with His purpose in mind, and that purpose is always for good and for His glory.

Like the bling manx and the Pharisees, the physical, mental, and spiritual differences and limitations we have are part of God's creation.  And although our limitations and differences may look like weaknesses, as we believe and know Christ, they reveal God's strength, God's love, and God's goodness.

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in Him."

Notice, Jesus heals the blind man, not because of anything the blind man did or didn't do but simply because of who Jesus is, our Savior.  Jesus met the blind man where he was, begging on the streets.  Jesus does the same for us.  He shows up wherever we are in life.  That's grace.  

Here's the other interesting thing about this healing...Let's be honest.  Jesus heals the blind man.  He changes his life, in a really weird a way we'd never imagine.

Spit and dirt to make mud?  All over the guy's eyes?  And then the blind man goes to the pool to wash.  Gross but wow!

Who knows why Jesus healed in this way, but it's amazing to this day.

And so, we can't discount the crazy things that happen to us.  The ways God has made us, the struggles we face, the grossness we experience, the journeys we take, the mud that's thrown our way...

In faith, we find ourselves as part of God's beautiful and glorious works.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for so wonderfully making me.  Thank You for so loving me that Jesus has given His life for me, so that I can know the fullness of Your love and experience Your grace forever.

Forgive me for all the ways I strive to earn grace instead of accepting it and appreciating it.  Forgive me for forgetting to freely see others through the lens of Your grace.

Lord, I pray that my life will forever be a reflection of Your good and amazing works, overflowing with the love of Christ.  Help me to see and appreciate Your ways, even when they do not make sense to me in the moment.  Help me to live by faith.

I pray for Your healing, Lord, for _____________________.

I love You, Lord, and I praise You!

In Jesus name I pray,

In Christ's love,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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