
Thursday, November 6, 2014

John 8: 31-59

40 Days of John

Day 14: John 8:31-59

Jesus is still in the temple courts telling people who He is, God's son and our Savior.  

The discussion gets tense.  

Jesus says to those listening and questioning...

"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

The truth will set us free too.

The truth from today's reading is that, like Jesus, we are God's sons and daughters.  We are God's children.  We belong to Him who created us in His image.  God is our Father.

And yet, people in today's reading are trying to understand Jesus based on what they know to be true and what makes sense to them about Abraham. 

They debate Jesus when they say,

"Are you greater than our father Abraham?  He died, and so did the prophets.  Who do you think you are?"

I can see this same tension still present in our lives today.  

God is our Father.  We are God's children.

This is what we need to hold on to with all that we are.  This is who we are no matter what the world tells us.

I cannot possibly rationalize Jesus because I am limited by my own knowledge...and everything about Jesus comes from God.  

Trying to figure Jesus out with my own logical, very human mind is always a mistake.  And even though I can't always put it into tangible words, I get to know and experience Jesus more and more as I turn to God for my understanding.

Like the people in the temple courts talking to Jesus, we hear Jesus and see Him in moments and all we need to do is believe Him.  That's faith.

So, as we think together about how this applies to our lives, we can let go of who the world says we are day to day and cling to who Jesus tells us we are, beloved children of God.

That's freedom!

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for loving me.  Thank You for reminding me that I am forever Your child.  

Help me to remember who I am in Christ each and everyday.  

And as a child of God, help me to see others as Your children too.  Fill me with Your love, Your mercy, and Your grace as I interact with those You place in my life. 

Open my mind to the ways of thinking that keep me from really knowing who You have created me to be.  I don't want to be my own roadblock to Your freedom. 

I want to serve and glorify You, Lord.  Show me the ways You need me to shine Your light in the world. 

I pray for ________________ who needs to know the freedom that comes from following You.  Be with __________________ and help _______________ to know the power and comfort of Your unconditional love and unending grace.

You are the light of the world, and I love You with all that I am. 

In Jesus' name I pray,

Peace of Christ,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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