
Thursday, November 20, 2014

John 13:18-38

40 Days of John

Day 24: John 13:18-38

"A new command I give you:
     Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

I think about love and how ambiguous it is today.  But as I read Jesus' words, it's clear that there's no room for ambiguity if we are following Him. 

"As I have loved you, so you must love..."   

So what does this love, the Jesus way, look like and feel like...

He has given us example after example of His love.  The example that is most recent in our reading is when Jesus washes the disciples' feet, remember.  I bring that whole love scene to mind, and I try to put love in words for my own understanding and for you who are reading...

  • Jesus loves by doing.  Jesus lives it.  He doesn't talk about love nearly as much as He shows it. 
  • Jesus gets dirty, messy, and I imagine often found Himself in some awkward situations (think about the realities of washing 12 grown men's feet).
  • Jesus just serves, always with God in mind.  He doesn't allow culture and societal norms to define how He serves and whom He serves.
  • Jesus leads in love by serving.  He doesn't wait for others to do what He can do Himself. 
  • Jesus nurtures the relationships of those closest to Him with His physical presence.
  • Jesus intentionally reaches people that are overlooked, lost, outcasts, and underserving based on their deeds and past. 

These are the kinds of things that come to mind as I think about love the Jesus way.  And His love is so high and wide and long and deep, and I know there's even more to it.  

What comes to mind for you?  Who is on your heart?  Who might Jesus be calling you to love?  How does He need you to love?  What is He nudging you to do as you reflect on the reading today?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for the example of selfless and transforming love I have in Jesus.  Thank You for so loving me and making me new in Christ.

Forgive the selfishness in me that gets in the way of Your perfect love.  Forgive my mistakes.

I pray, Lord, that You will guide me to love more and more like Jesus.  

I have _________________ on my heart and mind today.  Your love is at the core of what ______________________ needs.  Use my hands and feet to help.  Use the hands and feet of those involved.  I pray that ____________________ would glorify You.

I love You, Lord, and I praise You.  Your works are wonderful!

In Jesus' name I pray,

In Christ's love,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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