
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

John 10:1-21

40 Days of John

Day 17: John 10:1-21

Jesus defines Himself for us as the "good shepherd" with a very important "I am" statement.

Jesus tells us,

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full...

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep."

Jesus is telling us who He is in our lives.  As His sheep, we are prone to wander. And yet, even more than we wander, we are made to know Him and His voice in our lives.  

I think this passage is about more than the promise of life eternal with Him, though.  Our salvation is both eternal and here and now.  Jesus is saying that He is with us here and for forever.  

So, what's the secret to living in this awesome promise of a life fully lived Jesus spells out for us?  How do we really live into this "full life" with Him each and every day?

I am figuring out, little by little, that accepting and knowing this fullness of life with Jesus starts with everyday thanks, realizing that God freely gives us every good thing that fills our lives.  And as we give Jesus thanks in all things big and small, hard or easy, we know Him, our Good Shepherd, more and more.  

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for Jesus who is alive in our lives each and every day so that we may have life to the full.

Forgive me for not living into this awesome promise with everyday thankfulness for everything and everyone that comes my way.  

Help me, Lord, to see the gifts of Your salvation in all things big and small, both ordinary and extraordinary, celebrations and struggles.  

I give You thanks today for _______________, ___________________, and _____________________.  

I also pray for ______________________.  Work in us grateful and generous hearts.

I want to glorify You, Lord.  Show me how You need me to do that this day.

In Jesus' name I pray,

In Christ's love,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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