
Monday, October 13, 2014

Mark 4-6

Jesus is making a name for Himself, preaching, healing, working miracles, and teaching by example in Mark 4-6.  He is full of Good News, but people are afraid of His power because it is so much bigger than our understanding.  We take in the stories about the sower, a lamp on a stand, the growing seed, Jesus calming the storm, Jesus healing a demon-possessed man, a bleeding woman, and a dead 12 year-old girl.  

The 12 disciples are given authority by Jesus to do good works, and John the Baptist is brutally murdered.  We hear about the time Jesus feeds the five thousand and walks on water.  There is so much to soak in.  Is there a particular story from today's reading that speaks to you?  Which one?  Are there certain words that stand out?  Why?  What can you learn from what you read today?   

For me, I am drawn to Mark 5:21-43 today.  Jesus is drawing huge crowds everywhere he goes.  There must be tons of people who needed His miraculous healing, and He is stopped in His tracks by Jairus, the synagogue leader.  Jairus literally falls at the feet of Jesus.  The Bible says he "pleaded earnestly" with Jesus.  Have you ever been there?  

I know I have. 

Jairus is desperate.  And at the same time, a lady who has suffered a long time (with bleeding), touches Jesus' cloak believing with all her heart that Jesus will heal her.  No doctors have been able to help her.  In both cases, Jesus is all they need.  What Jesus does for both of them is beyond human logic and scientific fact.  Jesus is surrounded by many, but He senses the bleeding woman's deep need for Him.  All she has to do is barely touch Him, so little physical effort but such huge faith on her part.   And that's all it takes for Jesus to free her from suffering.  That's amazing, and then moments later, Jesus heals a young girl that everyone thinks is as good as dead.  Jesus tells everyone,

36“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

People laugh at Jesus.  That laughter comes from doubt.  The next thing you know, Jesus shares some time and space with the "dead" girl and her family.  She is not only healed, she gets right up and walks around.  

It makes me want to reevaluate my circumstances.  I know there are places in my life where I need to let go of my fear and just believe what Jesus is telling me.  How about you?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

I am at Your feet.  I love you.  I believe in You and Your presence and power, but I am afraid.  I know you are the ultimate healer and comforter, but I am unsure of my next steps in faith.  I have things in my life right now that do not make sense to me.  I pray for your guidance and direction.  I pray you will come to all those I name to you who are in deep need of your loving touch, this very day.  I am so thankful for your all encompassing and unconditional healing and peace.

I pray in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior,

Peace of Christ,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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