
Friday, October 24, 2014

John 3

40 Days of John

Day 5: John 3

We meet Nicodemus, a Jewish religious big shot, who wants to know and understand Jesus more.  We hear Jesus himself talk about being "born again" by the Holy Spirit, freeing us from sin.  And then John the Baptist testifies that Jesus is from Heaven, much greater than he is.

Today's reading contains the very heart of God's love for us.  It also focuses the entire Gospel message in a few very powerful, life-giving sentences.

Just reading these precious words allows God to work in us, whether you're reading them for the first time or the 100th.  These are Words we need to hear on again and again, over and over...

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

This is true, unconditional love.  This is God's love for all of us.  Breathe it in.  Believe it. 

Jesus is telling us that God wants to draw us into His perfect love, to let it change us, so we can share this love in the world like Jesus.

As believers, this is the basis for all of our love relationships.  What does that mean for us on an everyday basis?

I think it must mean that real love has nothing to do with how we feel about others or how others treat us.  Real love is about how we feel about God, how we believe in Jesus.  Real love isn't my doing but is empowered by God, through the Holy Spirit.  Real love means we are willing to give freely to another.  Real means we are able to let go of our need to control, our own comfort, and our security for others so they can experience the love of Christ through us.

What does that look like in your life?  What is God asking you to do for Him?

As you take in this passage from John, how would you define love?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for so loving the world, for so loving me, that You gave Your one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Help me not forget this ultimate sacrifice You made, Lord, to save me from my sins.

Fill me with Your words today, Lord, and empower me by Your Holy Spirit to love like Jesus.

I know I fall short as I love my neighbors.  Direct my hands and feet and shape me.  Help me to see Christ in everyone I meet.  And may they see Christ in me.

Lord, I especially pray for ___________________.  Help us to see each other through the lens of faith and Your grace.

You are our Lord and Savior.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

May the Lord bless you and keep you today and always,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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