
Thursday, October 23, 2014

John 2:13-24

40 Days of John

Day 4: John 2:13-24

We see Jesus, our Savior who is all about God's mercy, forgiveness, and grace, get mad.

Jesus is in Jerusalem for Passover, and he gets mad because the temple has become a marketplace for taking advantage of those who come to the temple to worship God.  This is God's house for worship, and yet it's not being respected.  So, Jesus kicks all the moneymakers out.  And as he does, the Jewish people question Him and his authority to do such a thing.

Yep.  Jesus is really mad.

He's a man who's really, really good at nurturing relationships, a man who lives His entire life on earth without sin, a man who is our example for daily living, and He's furious.  What can we take from this situation?  

Jesus whole mission is to "save the world" from sin, to share God's love everywhere He goes.  He's really good at it.  And in this case, Jesus' anger is tied directly to connection to God, His Father, who is also our Father.  

Sure there are times we will be angry.  It happens.  But, this situation in today's reading reminds me of a few things...As always feel free to share your own thoughts...

1.  Jesus' anger (and all of His emotions) are tied to His devotion and love for God above and beyond all else.  All of Jesus' authority for the things that He does come from God.  And I know the more we can do that, the more we are able to keep our own emotions in check.  I don't think that means it's always easy, just possible.
2.  Jesus doesn't allow His anger (or any other emotions He has) to affect His love for people and His mission to share that love. 
3.  And when we do mess up (because we are human), Jesus knows what it feels like, whatever our emotions may be,...and He is there with open arms full of mercy and grace.

 "Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name.  But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people."

Jesus gave His life for us, we now know through the Gospels.  He knows you and me, and Jesus loves us.  We may not always handle ourselves the way God would want us to, the way Jesus shows us by His example.  But we can believe and trust in Jesus and His name, Emmanuel, God with us.  We are never on our own to handle the situations and circumstances we face.  

A prayer for today-

Dear God,
Thank You for Jesus.  Thank You for His selfless, graceful love for me.  
Forgive me for all the ways I let my emotions get the best of me.  I know I struggle at times.  Fill me with Your love.  Help me to stay connected to You, even my emotions.  
I want to love more like Jesus.  
I pray today for ______________________.  Remind ___________________ that he/she is never alone, that You are there and at work.  Nothing is impossible for You as You work all things for good and Your glory.

In Jesus name I pray,

Grace and peace,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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