
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Zechariah 11-14

Zechariah 11-14 is full of complicated, symbolic visions of the future.  Like I said before, I don't always get full understanding of what I read in the Bible, but that never stops God from speaking to my heart.  So, I keep reading and learning.  Today, I keep thinking about God's sovereignty in the world.  
Zechariah says,

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.

It is overwhelming for me to sit and think about the fact that God wants to be our One and Only Almighty Ruler, our King of Kings; but in so many ways, we attempt to separate Him from certain areas of our lives.  God wants to be the source and foundation of all our decisions.  

In my confusion, I did find a Bible study on Zechariah at that explains everything chapter by chapter, line by line if you are interested.  This site makes note of a thematic connection between the book of Zechariah and Jeremiah 18, 25, 35.  Basically, when we turn to God, He is with us at that very moment.  God keeps telling us that again and again in the Bible.  

I have some areas of my life I just have to quit trying to control so God can transform them.  What does God want me to do with those areas of my life?  How do these areas in my life need to change to be more in life with Christ's example?  That's my food for thought today...  

A prayer for today-

Dear Lord and Savior,

I thank you for the promise of Your sovereignty in my life.  I am sorry, Lord, for trying to be in control.  You know better than I do, and I trust Your plan for my life.  I pray You will shed Your light on the things You want me to hand over to You.  Transform me, Lord, to be more like Your Son, Jesus.  I am putting ________________________________ in Your hands.

You are my Lord and Savior of my life.  In You, I find meaning and life.  

In the Name of Jesus, I pray,


Peace of Christ,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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