
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Obadiah, Jonah 1-4

Today's readings take me through the books of two more prophets in the Bible, Obadiah and Jonah.  Jonah is the one I want to focus on today.  This is one of those classic Bible stories for sharing with our kids.  It is such a wonderful, fun, simple illustration with many powerful messages, perfect for all ages.  There are times in my life when I have a "whale of a decision to make," no matter how old I get.  Just like God calls on Jonah, He calls on us to do things for Him, and we sometimes have tough choices to make because of that.  God knows best, and we cannot run from Him.  That never works out.  Not only does that hurt us, we can hurt others unintentionally.   And the hardest part is, God's choices for our lives don't always make sense to us in the moment.  

I have heard this story so many times, but today I couldn't help but think about Jonah 4.  God questions Jonah when he is angry with God for being so compassionate and forgiving with those others consider to be bad, misbehaving, sinful people in Nineveh.  

But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?”

God is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love."  I don't have to completely understand it.  I am not sure we are capable.  We just have to accept His grace, grace we have in Jesus Christ, and extend that same grace to others.   

I am going to read this story with my kids this morning.  

One question I have never really thought through before came to mind as I read through this story of Jonah and the whale, "What does this story (of all things, God uses a whale) reveal to us about God?"

What does this story reveal to us about ourselves?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank you for Your plan for my life.  Thank you for calling me to You, one step at a time.  Forgive me for running from You and getting lost on my own selfish path, questioning Your way.  Help me bless others with the same grace You give me.  I trust You.  I pray for patience and compassion as I follow You.  

You know what I have ahead of me today _______________________.  I pray for all the people that cross my path those I know about and those I do not.  Help me keep You in mind and please bless them Lord.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

Have a blessed day,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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