Maybe you can relate in some way because of something you have been through. Or maybe, you are feeling much like Jeremiah right now.
Today's reading reminds us that sometimes the most powerful and faithful thing we can do is cry out to God.
Because in crying out to God, God is able to fill us with hope when we have none.
In his conversation with God, Jeremiah says,
Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."
It's God's faithfulness and compassion we can count on each and every day to sustain us. When we are willing to cry out to God, even in the midst of our lowest lows as things look and feel the worst, God is there loving us. In fact, that's when He's carrying us in our walk with Him so that we can find His joy and His peace that surpasses our understanding.
A prayer for today-
Dear God,
Thank You for hearing all of our prayers in Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your compassion that awakens us every morning and redeems us.
Forgive me for all the ways I try to carry and understand my burdens on my own instead of giving them to You in prayer.
I pray for _____________________(person/situation) who/that needs Your hope and restoration.
I pray for _____________________(person/situation) who/that needs Your hope and restoration.
I pray for Your powerful peace to fill all those who are heartbroken, scared to death, bitter, uncertain, and grieving. Take their pain, Lord, and help them to know the absolute certainty of Your goodness and love.
Remind us of Your hope, Lord. You work all things for good and Your glory. Show us how to lean on Your unfailing promises for our lives.
Remind us of Your hope, Lord. You work all things for good and Your glory. Show us how to lean on Your unfailing promises for our lives.
It is good to be still and wait quietly with You, Lord.
I lift my hands and my heart to You, my Savior.
In Jesus' name I pray,
In Christ's love,
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