
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jeremiah 7-10

The message in Jeremiah 4-7 is clear.  God's people have gone their own ways, and God desperately wants His people to return to Him.

It's so simple and easy to point fingers as we read at the people during Jeremiah's days because they don't seem to understand God at all.  

Yet, we make the same mistakes by our own means.  As we go through the circumstances of our lives, it's easy for us to become head strong, charging ahead, instead of becoming strong in Christ, our Savior. 

I kept thinking as I read these harsh and difficult words today how naturally and unintentionally self-destructive we can be as a people, from generation to generation.

God has a remedy, a solution that still stands the test of time.  He breaks it down with one simple act He needs us all to do with faithful intentions.

Repent (Jeremiah 8:6).

It's a one word answer that really works.

Repenting means claiming our mistakes and inequities before God.  And by doing that, we are claiming God's sovereignty in our lives.  God Himself, through Christ, works in us, helps us, and sets us free under His direction!

None of us are exempt from this humbling and life-giving advice.  God reminds all of us, 

Let not the wise boast of their wisdom
or the strong boast of their strength
or the rich boast of their riches,

but let the one who boasts, boast about this:
  that they have the understanding to know me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, 
  justice and righteousness on earth,
  for in these I delight

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You that, in Christ, I am forgiven and saved from my own mistakes and mess-ups big and small.  Thank you for loving me the way You do, always with open arms.

Forgive us, Your beloved people, for all the ways we follow the stubbornness of our hearts instead of the transforming power of Your Holy Spirit that is in us.

Help us, Lord, walk humbly in obedience to You because Your way is so much better than ours.  I pray that You will give us the understanding to really know Jesus and Your will for our lives.

Show me where I need to let go of my ways for Your ways.  I need Your help even in repenting.

Use me, Lord.  Use us, Your people.  Guide us by Your hands and show us how to exercise kindness, justice, and righteousness in the world.  

How can I be the hands and feet of Christ today for You?  How can I  work with others for You?

Hear my prayers, Lord.  Examine my heart, and make me new in Christ.  Transform my stubbornness, my fears, and my hesitation to action for You.

In the name of Jesus, our Savior, I pray,

Love and peace of Christ,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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