
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jeremiah 46-48

It's another rough day of reading as we go through Jeremiah 46-48.

I feel like we've had lots of tough reading as we've gone through Jeremiah.

God is telling us about all the destruction that is coming to Egypt, the Philistines, and Moab because people have forgotten Him and gone in their own directions.

It really makes me think about how God feels about me.  

God really seems to be angry in so much of these chapters.  This just doesn't match up with how we have come to know God's endless mercy and grace that comes to us now through Jesus. 

So just as I start to worry about making God mad with all of my mess-ups, I remember what Jesus did for me and for You and believers everywhere.  He is our living example of God's great love.

And as I remember Jesus, I also realize that God just wants us to know that good days or bad, He is in charge.  

But that day belongs to the Lord, the LORD Almighty-

And if what we really want is to realize God's goodness, God's enormous love and God's amazing grace in our lives, we have to make a conscious effort to spend our days with Him in mind, letting Him have every part of us.

And I can't help but ask myself how this truth needs to change the way I go through my days. 

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank you for the endless mercy, love, and grace that we know You have for us through Jesus' example.  Thank You for giving us life in Christ, changing who we are for the better.

All of our days belong to You, Lord.  Forgive me for forgetting that at times.  

Help me spend my days with You in mind.  I give myself to You, Lord.  

May everything I do begin with Your inspiration, continue with Your Help, and reach perfection under Your guidance (from

As I pray, unite me with others in Christ for Your great purposes.  Help us to live in Your awesome promises for our lives.  Empower us to love, support, and encourage one another in Your love.

You are our Rock and our Redeemer.

In Jesus' holy name I pray,

Peace of Christ,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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