
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Isaiah 60-66

Isaiah 60-66 calls us to see and remember all that God has already done for us so that we won't ever forget His power and presence that is here with us right now, today, moment to moment.

And so, that's where my mind and my heart are today.  Looking back at all the ways God has been with me.

When I do, it just strengthens my trust in God, my counselor and mighty Savior.

Isaiah reminds the Israelites that there were times in their lives when things were difficult that God was actually carrying them.

In his love and mercy he redeemed them;
  he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.

There are times in our lives when we are in God's arms too.  He picks us up and  carries us.  He saves us because that's what God's love means for our lives.

God wants us to know HIM beyond a shadow of a doubt.  He doesn't ever want us to forget that He is here with us and at work in our lives.

Sometimes in the moment it seems impossible to understand what God is doing and how He is working, but as time goes by (in His timing) and things unfold we are able to see glimpses of His good and perfect plan.

God promises His people, and that includes you and me...

In my faithfulness I will reward my people
  and make an everlasting covenant with them...

All who see them will acknowledge 
  that they are a people the LORD has blessed.

Following God for our life's direction and purpose transforms us so others will see us and know God and His glory.

God blesses us to be a blessing in the world.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for always being with me and for picking me up and carrying me when I need You the most.  Thank You for all the ways You work wonders in my life and in the lives around me.

Forgive me for all the ways I take Your power and presence for granted in the busyness of my days.

Open my heart to forever walk in gratefulness and trust wherever you lead me.  And as you pour out your blessings in my life, soften my heart to all the ways You call me to be a blessing to others.

I pray to You today about ______________________.  Please, Lord, I ask that You lift ____________________ up and carry him/her/them/the whole situation in Your loving and healing arms.

I delight greatly in You, Lord.  My soul rejoices in You, God.  

You have clothed all of Your believers with garments of salvation and arrayed us in robes of Your righteousness.  You fill us with Your Holy Spirit and Your promises.

May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

In Christ's love,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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