
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Isaiah 45-49

If you ever struggle in the trust department, if you are searching for a transforming spirit lifter, or need God's hope to fill you, these words from today's reading are for you.  

God, himself, reminds us through Isaiah 45-49 that He is truthful and faithful.  He wants us to turn to Him and be saved by Him here and now, letting go of our mess-ups.  

He wants us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is God, our Lord and Savior.  He is with us, and His purpose will stand the test of time.

God knows we can be stubborn, and He works in our lives to refine us and help us grow in His purpose.

God sends us out into the world "endowed" with His Spirit (Isaiah 48:16).

Man, that's so awesome.

Even though we forget God way too easily, God won't ever forget us.  He works hard to remind us of His redeeming grace.

I am the LORD your God,
  who teaches you what is best for you,
  who directs you in the way you should go.

We are restored in Christ.

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..

God loves and cares for us wherever we are.

And God promises us,

...those who hope in me will not be disappointed.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

I thank You for Your word that transforms me and fills me with Your hope.  Thank You for Your truth and Your faithfulness.  Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to save Your people.

Forgive my stubbornness and the ways I put my hope in people and things instead of in You.

Teach me what is best for me and direct me in the way I should go.  Refine me with Your redeeming grace, Lord. 

And as I go out into my neighborhood, my community, my town, my state, my nation, and this world (all created by Your hands), show me how to be a blessing wherever I go.

What are You calling me to do today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this year and in the years to come? 

[Think about situations, people, and places that are on your heart]
I pray that You will pour out Your blessings and hope on ____________________.  Restore ___________________ by Your grace. 

My hope is in You, Lord, today and always.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

Love and prayers to you,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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