
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Psalms 132-138

Really, everyday with Jesus as our Lord and Savior is Thanksgiving.   

Psalms 132-138 remind us that each new day is full of God’s gifts, full of opportunity after opportunity to give Him thanks and praise.

Giving thanks is where my head and heart are today.  

As the Psalmist puts it in Psalm 138,

When I called, you answered me;
you greatly emboldened me…

I am thankful that God empowers me with His Holy Spirit, enabling me to do so much more with Him than I could ever do on my own!

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for answering all of my prayers in Your perfect way.  

You embolden me to live in Your will, full of Your grace and love.

Forgive me for focusing too often on things so unimportant to my walk with You.

I pray for a grateful heart and an openness to Your Holy Spirit.   

I pray for _______________ today.  Bless him/her/them with Your mighty and outstretched hand.  May ___________ know you and feel complete in You. 

Your love endures forever, Lord.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

Peace of Christ,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more. 

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