
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Psalm 119

Psalm 119 reminds us that if we want to realize the fullness of God's promises in our lives, we need to fill our hearts and minds with His Word.

This Psalm, thought to be written by Ezra the priest after the rebuilding of the temple, is the longest Psalm and the longest chapter of the Bible.  In the original Hebrew language, it was written as an acrostic poem using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  The poetic format doesn't translate well in our English language, but that's why it's sectioned off with symbols.

The Psalmist knows there's no way around it.  What God says to us in the Bible is important, applicable to us as we face each day, and necessary. 

That's because God's ways are better than our own, and one sure way to hear His voice and will for our lives is to read His Word.

Your word is a lamp for my feet,

    a light on my path.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word that sustains me and fills me with Your joy and peace that passes understanding.

Forgive me for the times I insist on my own ways.  

Direct my footsteps with Your Living Word, Lord, so no sin rules over me.  Make my heart meditate on Your promises.  Help me know You and Your will for me.

I am thankful for the salvation I have in You.

In Jesus' name I pray,

In Christ's love,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more. 

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