
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Proverbs 25-28

We're reading through Proverbs 25-28 today.

What stands out to you and speaks to your heart?  What grabs your attention and makes you stop and think?

For me, two topics jumped off the page: wives and our lives.  At first, I wasn't making the connection between the two.  I was about to pick one verse, one topic, and start writing.  And then, I didn't...

If you have been reading through Proverbs with me, Solomon's words about argumentative wives are blunt, to say the least.  He compares them to roofs and dripping water again and again.

Better to live on a corner of the roof
  than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping
  of a leaky roof in a rainstorm;

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, these words demand attention and make you think.  For one, this day in time, you just don't hear men compare women to inanimate objects and it go over very well!    

So, I started thinking about myself as a wife.  My husband, because of the very nature of his profession, argues for a living.  And I am an opinionated woman (not argumentative)....  Well, maybe on occasion, when necessary, I have been known to argue.  

I certainly hope my husband would rather be with me, in our home, than out in the elements on the corner of a roof.  And I definitely don't want to be as annoying as a leaky roof.

Here are my thoughts... "What are you trying to tell me in these words, God?  Are these words for real or should I brush them aside?  How do these words apply to me, my "wifey" self, and my marriage?  I know it's something more than, 'Don't quarrel with your husband.'"

After all, we have a good marriage.

I was stuck and then the other verse I was contemplating, one about water and life, comes to mind.

As water reflects the face,
  so one's life reflects the heart.

These words make me realize that God is working on a bigger picture than I can see.  Everything in life (including my marriage) is connected to my relationship with God and my love for Him.  

God reminds me that the way I talk to my husband, the way I spend my time with him (or without him), the way I approach him every single day, the way I respond to him, all my choices as a wife are a reflection of the love that's in my heart for both my husband and for God.

I love my husband with all my heart.  He's a true gift.  He needs to know that by the way I live every single day (good day or bad, peaceful day or argumentative one).

When the roof has a leak or two, then we have a heart problem that needs fixing.  That's where God and His Word for our lives comes in.  He's the best handy-man around.

 A prayer for marriages today-

Dear God,

Thank You for my husband.  Thank You for making Him in Your image and filling Him with Your purpose.  Thank You for the love He brings to my life.

Forgive me, Lord, for being a "leaky roof" in my marriage at times and taking my husband for granted.

I pray for our marriage today.
I pray that You will keep our hearts humble and open to all the ways we need to love each other and honor You.  Guide our words and our deeds day to day.  Give us the eyes to see each other through the lenses of Your grace.  Help our lives reflect our deep and everlasting love for You and for each other.  

Repair all the "leaks" in our relationship and renew our marriage with Your joy and peace, Lord.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Love of Christ,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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