
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Psalms 8-16

It hit me this morning that the book of Psalms is more than a collection of praise and prayers with God.  As I read Psalms 8-16, I realized these ancient words are a window into the very intimate and real conversations people from the Bible had with God at significant moments in their lives.    

I do the same thing.  I have so many conversations with God about life.  

Like I hinted yesterday, though, my words are at risk for becoming way too routine and predictable when I pray.  I need to liven my prayers up from time to time so they're not so dull.  After all, there's nothing dull about God or His amazing creation.

The Psalms offer lots of inspiration for spicing our prayer lives up a bit.

So, this blog post is turning into a bit of a confession for me...

Sure, my words may not always be as beautiful and poetic as they are in Psalms, but they can be just as real and heartfelt.  I need to be better about talking to God about what's REALLY on my heart and mind and lose the invisible filter that keeps me from complete openness with God.  I think that's when and how my prayers get dull.

Because I know I am talking to God, I really over-think things way too much about HOW to say what's on my heart.

And it's silly, you know, because God doesn't need me to impress Him.  That's an impossible task.  He created me with His own hands.  He knows me and all my thoughts without me having to say a word.

So, here's some of God's Holy and Living Word that speaks to me today.

Those who know your name trust in you,

    for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.  

God wants us to trust Him more than our self-created filters.  It's the seeking with all our heart that's important to God, not fancy, perfect words.  

How about you?  Do you have any self-imposed filters you need to pray through?  Do you ever need to spice up your prayer life?  Did you find any inspiration today?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for Your Living Word that speaks right to me.  I give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart for Your unfailing love.

Forgive me for all my conversations with You, God, that are too routine, filtered, and dull.  

Make me completely open to Your Spirit.  Breath new life into my prayers.  Get rid of my self-imposed filter when I talk to You.  

I celebrate You, Lord, and all your wonderful deeds.

I give my day to You, Lord.  Here it is.  Here are my thoughts, my worries, my hopes, and dreams today.  Fill me with Your words and will as I talk about everything with You.

[Spend some quiet time being still with God]

My heart rejoices in You!

In Jesus' name I pray,

Peace of Christ,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more. 

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