
Monday, June 9, 2014

Job 33-37

At this point in Job 33-37, I can't imagine how "old" this is getting for Job who has had to take-in so many false judgements from his long-winded friends about his sufferings.  

Elihu, Job's younger friend, gives Job his unsolicited two-cents about the situation.  He reminds Job of God's majesty and power. 

Elihu speaks a truth we all need to cling to at times.

How great is God—beyond our understanding!

    The number of his years is past finding out.

Job is miserable.  This man's heart must hurt so badly at this point that his physical pain is the least of his worries.  He desperately needs some empathy.

Job's life is so far from great, but God is always great.

He is great in a majestic, awesome, good, and perfect way while present reality is often very imperfect.

It's beyond our understanding, especially in the moments when our hearts feel farthest from our perceptions of perfection.

But, it's these exact moments, through prayer, when we are able to see and know God's power and presence come alive in this life we are living.

Today, I just want to give Job a hug and tell him I'm sorry life is so hard for him right now.  And I want to pray for hope and a future for all those God gives me the eyes and heart to lift up this day who are suffering so deeply, like Job.

God doesn't promise us a perfect life.  He promises us a perfectly purposeful and everlasting life when we believe in Him.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for loving me and being the great, awesome, and powerful God who saves all who believe.

Forgive me for getting stuck on my own perceptions of perfection in the world.  I know You are our great, big, and awesome God.

I pray for all those who are suffering.  Especially bless ________________________.

Lord, show me how to shine Your light where it's needed today.  Help me let go of my perceptions and hesitations and cling to Your perfect purpose.

In Jesus' name I pray,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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