
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2 Kings 9-10

We see strong and faithful leadership taking over as Jehu is anointed King of Israel in 2 Kings 9-10.  There's no question, this new king really means business for God!  He's out to avenge so many wrongs that have been left unattended in Israel for too long.  He doesn't mess around as he deals with kings, Ahab and Joram and their families.  I couldn't help but laugh as I picture Jehu driving like a maniac to set things straight with the ruthless Jezebel, who was long overdue for reaping what she sowed.  This guy doesn't put up with Baal and those who worship him either.  Although, Jehu isn't perfect, he is on a mission for God, and people know it!   

I love the energy Jehu, the crazy chariot driver, has for God.  He has the kind of faith that is strong and contagious.  

16 He said, “Come with me, and see my zeal for the Lord.” 

Who is going to stand in the way of faith like his?

And in thinking about my own faith, I wonder where and how God needs others to see my zeal for Him?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for blessing me with the encouragement and inspiration that comes from Your faithful servants.  

Forgive the ways I hesitate to go into the world with zeal for You.  Open my heart to the ways I need to go with You, full of zeal.  Fill me with Your Spirit and love.

I also pray all those who are down, low on energy, and so broken they are unable to reach out to You.  I pray for those who are suffering, who are lost, who are hurting and in desperate need of Your transformational healing in their lives.  

In the name of Jesus I pray,


*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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