
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2 Samuel 21-24

In 2 Samuel 21-24, David rules over Israel again with God as His chief advisor.  Israel struggles with the Philistines some more, endures three years of famine, and a plague from a census gone bad.  However, God is always there with His people ready to help and strengthen them.  We see how God's redeeming grace has truly saved David and empowered him for good, despite his mistakes.  

One thing I admire about King David is how his faith draws others closer to God.  Just by reading his words, I am inspired to nurture my own faith in God.  I can't help but look at David's story and find hope for my life story with God.  Here's this ordinary, imperfect man that God transforms to be extraordinary for His purpose.

David gives us a picture preview of our God that renews and restores our lives today through the resurrected Christ.  Because He lives, we live abundantly.  We hear and see God's promises for our own lives in David's words of praise to God.

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me..."

God reaches down and takes hold of us too.

Easter reminds us that, as believers, we are all claimed by the blood of Jesus.

As you read through David's Song of Praise, what words echo in Your heart?  How is God reaching down "from on high" to take "hold" of you?

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

I am thankful for all Your faithful servants, like David, whose shared words take part in strengthening and encouraging my own faith.  Open my heart to the words You need me to hear today.

I pray You will use my words to reflect Your transforming love to those around me.

In the name of Jesus I pray,

*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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