
Saturday, March 22, 2014

1 Samuel 1-4

We meet a faithful guy named Samuel today in 1 Samuel 1-4.  Israel is still having some trouble following God, but not Samuel.  His mother, Hannah, prayed for him way before his birth, and she selflessly hands him over to Eli, the priest, so he can spend his life serving the Lord.  Israel is defeated by the Philistines, and the nation loses much more than the battle itself.  The Ark of the Covenant is stolen, and Eli and his two immoral sons die.  It's a bad day to be an Israelite.

The part of today's reading that I want to think through is God's call to Samuel.  

It's a day in time when God isn't heard much.  We read that there "were not many visions."  Samuel is in God's house, resting, right near the Ark of God.  God calls Him several times.  Samuel doesn't recognize God's voice at first.  He mistakenly attributes it to someone else.  God doesn't give up though.  God is persistent with Samuel.  

10 Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Like Samuel, I think God calls each of us.  We are blessed because, as believers in Christ, the Holy Spirit is always with us.  We do not have to be inside the tent of meeting, near the Ark of God.  And, we don't have to be a priest for God to speak to us and direct our lives.  

The possibilities for serving God are endless.  God knows us.  He knows our talents and gifts because He is the creator that shaped us with His hands.  He doesn't give up on us, even though we have a hard time hearing Him as we go about our daily schedules.

I think the key to hearing God is discovering our own Godly sweet spots** in the world.  As believers, we all have a Godly sweet spot or two.

How does God call You?  Where and when do you feel closest to God?

**For more on finding your Godly sweet spot, feel free to read "My Wake Up Call."

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to dwell in me so that You are always with me.  Bless me, Lord, with a heart that is always connected to Your voice.

I want and need to hear Your voice in all the matters of my life.  I especially need to hear Your guidance for me concerning ___________________.  "Speak, for your servant is listening."

I pray this prayer in the of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus,

In Christ's love,

This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more.

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