
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Numbers 28-30

In Numbers 28-30, Moses has just passed his leadership torch to Joshua with God's help and blessing.  God asks Moses to remind the Israelites of all His instructions concerning offerings, festivals, and personal vows to God.  Daily offerings, Sabbath offerings, monthly offerings, Passover, the Festival of Weeks, the Festival of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Festival of Tabernacles are all included in the conversation.  We have heard much of this before, but it's a lot to remember.  And when it comes to being faithful, we need all the reminders we can get.  Moses seems to be covering "all his bases" in order to set Joshua up for success with the Israelites.

The point in all of God's instructions is simply to REMEMBER Him, to worship Him with consistency, respect, and thankfulness.  Life is busy.  It has always been busy not matter what century we are living in.  And even though we don't have to go out and offer animals to God in order to make atonement for our sins (that must have taken a ton of time), we do have to make a conscious effort to prepare our hearts and minds to worship our loving and faithful God on a regular basis.  We have to make room for God in our lives.

The Israelites are teaching us a wonderful lesson in God's bigger story.  Worshiping God isn't confined to church buildings on Sunday.  Worshiping God is a way of life.  Faith is how they approach EVERY aspect of their day to day living.  Israel is a community of faith.

I think it's so important for us to create that faith community in our own homes and in our social circles.  We all need to support each other, to build each other up, and to remind each other of God's unconditional and powerful love.  

We all need to know, that in this crazy, hectic world, the one thing that we can count on is our Lord and Savior!

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank You for Your ever-present Holy Spirit within me.  Fill my heart with Your love and guide me in worshiping You in all that I do and say.  

Lord, I especially need help making You a part of _______________ when ______________.  I am way too quick to get angry and defensive.  I get caught up in the moment and completely miss the opportunity to be a reflection of Your grace.  Work in me, so that I can find new ways to act in Your love instead of responding with my own natural and selfish reactions.  I want my responses to draw others, especially my family, closer to You.

I pray for Your peace to fill ____________ today.  These people need Your loving arms holding them and lifting them up.  

In the name of God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,


*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more


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