
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Numbers 10-12

Moses and the Israelites have been encamped at Mount Sinai for a while in Numbers 10-12, and God is finally ready to lead them to new places.  It's really amazing to think about the logistics of packing up and moving the tent of meeting and all its sacred components!  I can't imagine.  

God instructs Moses to make two silver trumpets to be used by Aaron and the priests as signals for God's presence and direction.  Even with God clearly in charge, Moses takes a lot of heat from the Israelites.  They are hungry, tired, and cranky.  Their journey is difficult, and it gets the best of them, even Aaron and his wife question what they are doing.  Moses does his best to lead all God's people, but he feels the enormous weight of their burdens.

Today's reading reminds of two really important truths when it comes to God.  One, following God is really difficult at times, but it's not without purpose.  And two, God provides all that we need, each step of the way- spiritually, physically, and emotionally for our journey with Him. 

Like the Israelites, I have seen God's power and majesty and even heard His great promises for my life.  I feel His presence.  I know He is always with me.

And also like the Israelites, I have this bad habit of complaining.  It starts small and snowballs.  Things get rough, and I start letting everyone around me know it.  I can't stop thinking about my circumstances.  I can't stop talking about them. 

It's not that I want pity.  I don't.  It's not that I want to feel sorry for myself, but I do sometimes.  It's not that I don't trust God for His Word either.  I most certainly do.

Yet, somehow, I let myself become so buried in my momentary situation that I get stuck there, focusing way too much on how things look right in front of me.  I forget, way too often, that God has a much wider, longer, higher, deeper vantage point than I do. 

Really, complaining is just a waste of my energy.  It's contagious, and it spreads like wild fire.  I just dig a deeper hole for myself with each complaint.  That's exactly what the Israelites did in today's reading too, and it didn't work out so well for them.

Moses, on the other hand, does it right, I realize.  It's not that Moses doesn't feel the weight of his burdens.  He does.

11 He asked the Lord, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me?

The difference is, Moses doesn't waste his time talking to air.  He talks to God.  Instead of digging a hole, he taps into his Savior who holds ALL the power on heaven and on earth.  He's my Savior too, the only ONE who can move mountains.

And when Moses talks to God, God hears him and responds.

23 The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.

God hears us too, when we talk to Him.  

He blessed the Israelites with silver trumpets as signs of His guidance and direction in their lives.

What signals and signs is God sounding in your life to remind you of His direction, presence, and power?

Will you be still and quiet enough to hear them?

A prayer for today- 

Dear God,

Thank you for my Savior, Jesus, who frees me from all my guilt.  Thank you for giving me daily reminders of your all-powerful, loving presence in my life.  Forgive me for my short-sighted vision and the complaints that fill my mind and my words.  Please, Lord, help me turn to YOU (instead of the world and the empty air) with ALL of my burdens.  

Today, I have ____________ on my mind.  It is breaking my heart, and I am praying to You for a breakthrough.  I need the miracle of Your hands to take over this situation.  What do you need me to do?  You know my deepest desires, but I trust Your answer above all else.  Be with all those involved, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit and your peace that passes understanding.    

I know that You work all things for good and Your glory.  Your love is more than enough for me. 

In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,

Love of Christ,
*This post is part of A Mind-Maker-Upper's Everyday Reading Project.  Click here to read more. 


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