Friday, May 17, 2013

Church and Soul Food #3

I certainly can't speak for you, but I know I do some really dumb things every once in a while.  Going to church is never one of them.  Church is a place I can own up to all the dumb things I have done and all the smart things I haven't done.  That brings me to reason #3 for going to church and some more soul food...

{3.  Going to Church Is a SMART Decision}
I don't know it all when it comes to God, and I know I am a mess on my own.  The world is way too big, way too unpredictable, and way too unfair.  Church provides an opportunity to be still and hear what God has to say, and hopefully get a little smarter in my faith.

25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength...
God is much smarter than me.   Thank goodness for that!  My dad used to always tell me as a kid, "Lindsay, pay attention."  It used to drive me crazy because I would think, "Okay, Dad.  Pay attention to what?"  Now, though, I can appreciate what he was saying.  Really, the dumb things I do ALWAYS happen when I have lost focus, when I am in my own little world, when I am not paying attention to God in my life.  The good news is that God forgives us.  We find God's power and wisdom when we are willing to own up to the dumb things we do, and He loves to turn dumb things into glorious examples of all the amazing, limitless things He can do in our lives when we let Him.  The key is placing all areas of our lives in His hands.  That is the smartest decision we could ever make!

A prayer for today-

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for not paying attention to You in all that I do.  I am placing my life in your hands, God.  Today, I want to hand over _____________ so You can work it for good and Your glory.  Thank you, Lord, for hearing my weakness(es), forgiving me, and transforming me.
In Christ's Name I pray,
Hugs and thanks,

This post is part of a series on going to church.  For related posts, feel free to use the links below.
1. Sundays and My Not So Silent Confession
2. Church and Soul Food #1- honor God and humble myself
3. Church and Soul Food #2- experience God's Holiness
4. Church and Soul Food #4- join in Christ's family
5. Church and Soul Food #5- renew your purpose

1 comment:

  1. Thumbs up! Keep up the great work.
